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SEMrush Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

A single page can rank for hundreds or even thousands of different keywords depending on the niche and type of content.
For example, Wirecutter’s top pages rank for thousands of keywords:
SEMrush Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that the primary keyword only brings in a small proportion of the traffic. And the remainder comes from secondary keywords.
For example, take a look at the Wirecutter page for the best mobile scanning apps. The primary keyword – scanner app – brings in 115,620 visitors – that’s 2.55% of the page’s overall monthly organic traffic. The remaining 97.45% comes from the other 5,529 semantic and long tail secondary keywords:
SEMrush Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

Here’s how to expand the organic keyword footprint on your pages with secondary keywords related to the primary topic.
  1. Select SEO Toolkit
  2. Select Keyword Magic Tool from the sidebar menu.
  3. Enter the primary keyword – e.g. “scanner app” – into the search bar.
  4. Click Search:
SEMrush Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

From the results list, you can find thousands of related long-tail keywords:
SEMrush Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

On the left-hand side are groups of keywords. For example, you could click on “barcode” to show all the keywords related to “barcode scanner apps”:
SEMrush Expand Your Organic Footprint with Secondary Keyword Analysis

Look through the results to see which related keywords you want to add to your content.

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