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SEMrush Identify Your Top Organic Search Competitors

SEMrush Identify Your Top Organic Search Competitors very secretly

In SEMrush:
  1. Select SEO Toolkit
  2. Click on Organic Research from the side menu.
  3. Enter the domain – e.g. “” – you want to analyze.
  4. Click on the Competitors tab:
Identifying organic search competitors in SEMrush

The Competitor Positioning Map highlights the top organic search competitors.
For each domain, you can see the number of keywords ranking in the Top 100 search results, as well as the volume of organic search traffic. In our example, you can see that Techradar and PCMag are top competitors of Wirecutter.
Hover over the bubbles to see the exact numbers for each domain:
Viewing organic keyword and traffic stats for competitors inside SEMrush competitor graph

Scroll down from the Competitor Positioning Map, and you’ll find the Organic Competitors report:
Organic competitors table in SEMrush

This table highlights lesser-known organic competitors, and allows you to drill-down and find loads of actionable data.
You can see in the table we’ve instantly been able to uncover 274,856 potential competitors.
Much quicker than trawling through Google!
Pay close attention to the following metrics in the table:
  • Competition Level – the larger the number of common keywords, the higher the level of perceived competition.
  • Common Keywords – the keywords for which multiple domains rank in the top Google search results.
  • SE Keywords – the number of keywords bringing visitors to a website via Google’s Top 100 organic search results.
These metrics will reveal your top organic search competitors.
I’d recommend starting with the Common Keywords column to filter out the domains currently ranking in the Top 100 search results for the same keywords you’re ranking for.
The more common keywords, the stronger the competition.

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